ESL Program
ESL Program - Title III

The mission of Johnston County's English as a Second Language Program is to assure that all speakers of other languages who score below proficient on the WIDA initial placement test attain high levels of proficiency in English and achieve high academic standards according to the North Carolina Standard Course of Study. We are dedicated to serving the needs of our English Learners (ELs) by providing them with access to an excellent education.
The English as a Second Language Program provides the following services:
Identify English Learners based on the WIDA initial placement test when they enter the school system;
Provide instructional services depending on the proficiency level of our students: pull-out, co-teaching, or collaborative;
Monitor academic achievement of essential knowledge and skills;
Offer professional development for our ESL teachers, mainstream teachers, and paraprofessionals;
Promote parent involvement.
ESL Instruction
ESL Instruction is effective when curriculum is based upon grade level content and instruction that is designed for the English proficiency level of the learner. A variety of print materials and digital tools are available for teachers.
Entering and Emerging proficient English Learners receive intensive instruction of language development that is based on grade-level concepts. The use of controlled vocabulary selected from essential curriculum ensures that students learn as much grade level information as possible.
When possible, ESL and mainstream teachers plan together and co-teach Developing, Expanding, Reaching, and Bridging proficient English Learners. In this way, it is possible to increase the capacity of both teachers to meet the needs of ELs by the ESL teacher modeling appropriately-modified instruction and the mainstream teacher modeling grade-level skills and content instruction. The language of instruction is English. Instruction and assessment are based upon the goals and standards of the WIDA English Language Proficiency Standards for Pre K-12 Students.
The process of learning a second language requires that learning tasks be processed in the target language, English. ESL teachers are qualified and trained in research-based techniques of teaching English as a Second Language. Peer interaction is an important aspect of language acquisition. Cooperative learning, peer tutoring, and other research-based social instructional methods that involve the ELs are used to promote this interaction. The use of visuals, gestures, drama, videos, recordings, graphic organizers, and modeling provide contextual clues for the ELs. Teachers are encouraged to use various strategies that recognize the value of the languages and cultures represented in the classroom.
For more information contact:
Faitha C. Batten
Executive Director of Federal Programs
Johnston County Public Schools
Curriculum, Instruction and Accountability
919-934-4361 ext. 4039