Johnston County Public Schools welcomes and appreciates volunteers in our schools! Research shows that when families and communities are involved in school, children have an increased likelihood of being successful in academics and social interactions. Please read the following information to learn how to become a volunteer and support our schools.
To ensure the safety of our students, all volunteers must be approved. JCPS has established three levels of volunteers.
Level 1 Volunteer: Level I Volunteer status requires only the approval of the school principal. A Level I Volunteer may only volunteer in roles that do not involve direct and independent supervision of students.
Level 2 Volunteer: Level 2 Volunteer status requires principal approval, a criminal records background check, and district approval. Level 2 approval is at the discretion of District Administrators. A Level 2 Volunteer may volunteer in short-term roles where they directly supervise students but may not volunteer in extended, long-term roles where they directly supervise students.
Level 3 Volunteer: Level 3 Volunteer status requires an application with references, principal approval, and submission to Human Resources to vet and submit for formal board approval. Level 3 Volunteer status also requires a criminal records background check. Level 3 approval is at the recommendation of the principal and the discretion of District Administrators.
Johnston County Public Schools is pleased to announce MYVolunteer as your new volunteer management system, managed through an online portal at https://myvolunteer.com/jcps/volunteer/login
To become an approved volunteer, you must complete the application. This process includes previously approved volunteers. All volunteers go to an “inactive” status each July 1st. Volunteers will need to reactivate their accounts yearly to serve.
For questions about the JCPS volunteer process, or if you need assistance, please call Kristina Benson at 919-934-6032 ext. 8073 or kristinabenson@johnston.k12.nc.us.