Join the WCES PTA
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Help Raise Money for Our School
Harris Teeter
Link your Harris Teeter Vic card - Remember to re-link your card every August.
West Clayton Code is 2190
LINK your VIC card to your local school. Click on "Link to your School" on the left.
SHOP for HT brands and a percentage of your purchase helps your local school. Participating brands include Harris Teeter, HT Traders, Farmers Market and Harris Teeter Organics; as well as, the HT pharmacy.
EARN with no limits. There are no limits placed on how much a school can earn. The best part, there is no cost to the shopper for participation. Your school earns based on your purchases!
Don’t forget ALL VIC cards will need to be RE-LINKED each school year.
Lowes Food's Back to Schools
Link your Lowe's rewards to card to give back to West Clayton Elementary. Remember to re-link your card every August. Follow this link http://www.lowesfoods.com/back-2-schools/
Red Robin
Join Red Robin's Royalty Club. Link your card to West Clayton Elementary and 1% of your bill will be donated back to the school. https://royalty.redrobin.com/